Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Even the Shadows are Unnatural in this Haunted House

School has been keeping me majorly busy lately, but last night I decided to take some time to doodle for myself. :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

My student film!

click the link!

(sorry this is a boring text post, I can't figure out how to embed the video...)

Monday, May 27, 2013


I gave Luna a haircut!

Perspective Final

For my perspective final I designed a Gravity Falls based dark ride. For once my theme park obsession came in handy!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I can't believe the semester is almost over! It's gonna be weird when I'm not working on this film....

Monday, April 15, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Color Keys

I've never done color scripts before. So I might have gone a little crazy and experimented a bit. Not sure these look the best (there's a few I like though) but I was way stressed with the pressure of the deadline. It was also around 1am when I did most of these so that might also explain some of the ridiculous colors. I'm fairly certain that if I had to color my film it would still look something like this though... 

I had done a few color experiments in colored pencil early in the semester and was trying to match those concepts. I don't believe that I quite matched those initial explorations, but I'm always working to improve. 


 some skeletons I had to draw for Life Drawing class. :) 

Excerpt from a Life Drawing story

Here's part of a fun life drawing session. My professor had each of the models pose to convey a story about zombies! I didn't bring all of it home with me, so here are the drawings I had from that session. :)

Life Gestures

Life Drawings

Oops. I really mean to update my blog more often with what I've been working on. Always seem to end up posting everything after the semester is over. Probably because I only have my iphone camera while at university and that doesn't exactly deliver the best quality image. So I finally got the chance to take some nice photos now that I'm home on break. Here's a few excerpts from the life drawing class I took this past semester:

↑some studies from our textbook↓